League of Legends is a game with over 150 characters. And each of these characters has his own lore, story, and history. They all have unique playstyles, abilities, and interactions with other characters.
But they also have quotes that mark who they really are! So which are the best League of Legends quotes?
In this post, I’ve compiled the top 10 best LoL quotes based on many different factors. I considered the meaning of the quote, the philosophy behind it, and whether it’s witty, funny, or serious.
But I also spent a lot of time thinking about what those quotes signify for the champions, whether it captures their personality and whether it describes their in-game character.
And because there are much more than 10 great quotes in League of Legends, I chose one quote for each champion in the game.
I also included my personal interpretation of what those quotes could mean.
The Top 10 Best League of Legends Quotes
10. “So, there’s these, like, yinger and yangerons, and they spin in this projected pattern which intersects fourth-dimensionally. But it isn’t a measurable function. It’s got a whoosh, whoom, whoooooooooh!” – Zoe

Interpretation: Zoe’s mission in League of Legends is to warn humans about the end of their world.
She often tries to explain to mortals how the universe works while at the same time making fun of the fact that no one can understand how the universe truly works!
This is also referencing our real-world situation and our limitations when it comes to scientific progress and uncovering all the truth about our universe.
And that’s kind of funny too.
9. “I find that the stranger life gets, the more it seems to make sense.” – Ivern

Interpretation: Ivern is making a good point. It’s often true that when life’s going great we lose focus on where we’re actually going and what’s the meaning of our journey.
But when something happens to us and we undergo some change, we always learn something new.
So when life gets tough, that’s where we often find the meaning of our lives.
8. The strongest light is the one within.” – Lux

Interpretation: It’s a simple, yet powerful quote. Lux plainly tells us that we’re the strongest source of power in our lives.
And it’s up to us to invoke that power and defeat our enemies.
Every change starts with us and it’s up to us to take the first step toward improving our lives.
7. “I have found my limit a thousand times, and still I press further.” – Pantheon

Interpretation: Pantheon’s quote is one of persistence. He doesn’t get overwhelmed by the things he can’t do.
Instead, he always goes forward, no matter whether he or someone else thinks otherwise.
For many things in life, persistence is what achieves our goals. If we aren’t persistent in our hard work, no amount of talent or rationalization will actually bring us to our goals.
That’s why Pantheon’s quote is so powerful.
6. “Never become a monster to defeat one.” – Karma

Interpretation: Karma’s quote is simply beautiful. We often get obsessed with the problems we want to solve in our lives.
But Karma reminds us to stay true to ourselves during that process and not change our personality and values for the worse.
The most valuable thing we have in this world is ourselves and we shouldn’t lose that for anyone or anything else.
5. “A shepherd with no flock is just an idiot with a stick.” – Sylas

Interpretation: Sylas warns us that people are the key to everything.
Our own politicians and “rulers” would be nothing without us. We’re the ones that give them their power. And we’re the only ones that can take it away.
4. “Only a fool plays the hand he’s dealt.” – Twisted Fate

Interpretation: Many people don’t like this quote by Twisted Fate because it eliminates fairness from life. But it’s true – life isn’t fair.
And the idea here is that you shouldn’t rely on anything or anyone to magically sort out your life for you. Instead, be the one who creates happiness for yourself!
3. “Do not fear the shrouded path.” – Zed

Interpretation: Zed’s quote is all about courage. And it’s very direct – follow your heart wherever it leads and don’t be afraid to experience new things.
Sometimes, the unknown leads us to the place where we should’ve been all along. And we only need to have faith in ourselves.
Read Also: All Dragon Champions & Skins In League of Legends
2. “Each bullet is a piece of my soul. Each shot is a piece of me.” – Jhin

Interpretation: Although Jhin alludes to his art of killing here, his quote is a lot bigger than that.
It’s about giving your 110% to each task you do or each goal you’re trying to achieve.
Pour yourself in your work completely and let it become the meaning of your life!
1. “This blade never gets any lighter.” – Yasuo

Interpretation: On the surface, Yasuo’s quote may not seem philosophical at all. But it’s very deep.
It tells us that things never get easier. We’re always going to have problems and things to deal with.
But acknowledging and accepting that lets us focus on ourselves more than our problems.
It’s more important to change our approach to how we deal with things than why we have to deal with things at all!
Read Also: 30+ Best Life-Inspiring Yasuo Quotes from League of Legends
The Best League of Legends Quotes For Each Champion
These are the best LoL quotes for each champion in the game!
Champion | Quote | Trigger |
Aatrox | “I touched the stars, and saw the glorious light of a thousand suns! Now, blinded by this elegance, how could my purpose be anything… but dark…” | Moving |
Ahri – Star Guardian | “They want to kill me or be me! Either way it’s kinda all about me.” | Moving |
Akali | “The words on their tombstones will be my new mantras.” | Randomly |
Akshan | “The bad part about having friends? Always having to avenge them.” | Avenging an ally |
Alistar | “Mess with the bull and you get the horns!” | Taunt |
Amumu | “Let’s be friends forever.” | Joke |
Anivia | “I am the snow, wind, and ice.” | Attacking |
Annie | “Eeny, meeny, miny, burn!” | Attacking |
Aphelios | “Even when the moon is new, it is there. A whisper to the shadows of your soul… I am with you.” | Moving |
Ashe | “You do not aim a bow at the target, you fire knowing where the target will be. This is vision.” | Moving |
Aurelion Sol | “They call me a comet. They call me a dragon. They have no words for my true form.” | Game Start |
Azir | “What is the desert, but the ashes of my enemies?” | Taunt |
Bard | / | / |
Blitzcrank | “Loading. Recommend program: Enjoy Selves!” | Game Start |
Brand | “I am the fire that cleanses the world!” | Moving |
Braum | “Today we fight each other. Tomorrow, we may fight together.” | Attacking |
Bel’Veth | “You call us nothing, yet we are everything. Every place, every time… we are you.” | Moving |
Caitlyn – Pulsfire | “In the future, one of us is alive. Hint: it’s not you.” | Taunt |
Camille | “Precision is the difference between a butcher and a surgeon.” | Pick |
Cassiopeia | “There is no antidote for me.” | Pick |
Cho’Gath | “Who will be eaten first?” | Attacking |
Corki | “This is Major Tom to ground control!” | Moving |
Darius – God-King | “A wolf knows the scent of fear, royals are covered in it.” | Moving |
Diana | “The moon will rise. The night will last forever.” | Taunt |
Dr. Mundo | “Dear medical journal. Mundo attempt brain transplant on Mundo today. Me think it go good.” | Moving |
Draven | “Welcome to the League of Draven.” | Pick |
Ekko – True Damage | “Story of my life. I got no rivals. They all died upon my arrival.” | Game Start |
Elise | “Only the spider is safe in her web.” | Pick |
Evelynn | “Every smile is just a frown waiting to be turned upside down.” | Moving |
Ezreal | “Name’s Ezreal. E-Z-… oh, you’re dead.” | Champion Kill |
Fiddlesticks – Suprise Party | “Maybe the real surprise was the friends we killed along the way.” | Moving |
Fiora | “I am an artist with a sword, in more ways than one.” | Joke |
Fizz | “The mighty shark stalks his prey.” | Attacking |
Galio | “Somehow I always end up in the center of everything.” | Moving |
Gangplank | “Words mean nothing. Flesh carries weight.” | Moving |
Garen – God-King | “A lion is made from the wolves he has eaten.” | Moving |
Gnar | / | / |
Gragas | “The only time I have a drinking problem is when I spill it!” | Joke |
Graves | “Everyone’s a hero… till you shoot off a leg or two.” | Joke |
Gwen | “I remember when she sewed my dress with these scissors. Now, they cut a different cloth.” | Moving |
Hecarim | “Your life is a burden. I bring you freedom!” | Taunt |
Heimerdinger | “I prefer a battle of wits, but you’re unarmed!” | Taunt |
Illaoi | “If I hate something, I destroy it. If I want something, I take it.” | Moving |
Irelia | “Live today like you’re going to die tomorrow.” | Moving |
Ivern | “I find that the stranger life gets, the more it seems to make sense.” | Moving |
Janna – Forecast | “It looks like there’s a low chance any skillshots are gonna hit us!” | Taunt |
Jarvan IV | “Fetch the rest of your team… I’ll wait.” | Taunt |
Jax | “Imagine if I had a real weapon!” | Joke |
Jayce | “I fight for a brighter tomorrow!” | Pick |
Jhin | “Each bullet is a piece of my soul. Each shot is a piece of me.” | Moving |
Jinx | “Guns don’t kill people. I mean, until you shoot them. Then they kill everything!” | Taunt |
K’Sante | “Predators become prey, as quickly as night becomes day.” | Moving |
Kai’Sa | “This skin taught me how to survive. I will show it how to live.” | Moving |
Kalista | “Our fates are intertwined.” | Bonding with ally |
Karma | “Never become a monster to defeat one.” | Attacking |
Karthus | “Death is a song all will hear.” | Moving |
Kassadin | “The balance of power must be preserved.” | Pick |
Katarina – Battle Queen | “There’s glory in bloodshed but there’s also purpose. A feared queen reigns longest.” | Moving |
Kayle | “There is right, and there is wrong. All else is rationalization.” | Moving |
Kayn | “Those who seek balance find only death.” | Champion Kill |
Kennen | “Big targets are the best! There’s more to aim at!” | Taunt |
Kha’Zix | “To truly know someone, eat them and walk a mile in their feet.” | Joke |
Kindred | “Embracing life means accepting death.” | Attacking |
Kled | “I find courage unpredictable, it’s total insanity you can rely on!” | Pick |
Kog’Maw | “Hunger never sleep.” | Ban |
LeBlanc | “For my next trick I’ll make their life bar disappear.” | Joke |
Lee Sin | “Force is meaningless without skill.” | Taunt |
Leona – Solar Eclipse | “The sun has gone. But I am here.” | Game Start |
Lillia | “Everyone is so loud. They never say what they really mean. Really, really mean.” | Moving |
Lissandra | “The world began in ice and it will end in ice.” | Taunt |
Lucian | “One shot for the years we lost, one for the love we can’t get back.” | Moving |
Lulu | “A solid giggle should do the trick.” | Attacking |
Lux – Elementalist | “The strongest light is the one within.” | Moving |
Malphite | Rock solid. | Pick |
Malzahar | “Bow to the void! Or be consumed by it!” | Taunt |
Maokai | “If a human screams in the forest, will anyone hear it?” | Taunt |
Master Yi | “A true master is an eternal student.” | Moving |
Miss Fortune – Gun Goddess | “Every bullet is a gift, and I’m in a giving mood.” | Moving |
Milio | “My fire might look scary, but don’t worry. It’s totally safe.” | Moving |
Mordekaiser | “So many blunder on with a false sense of purpose, I shall sunder them from their lies.” | Moving |
Morgana | “Betrayal never comes from your enemies.” | Moving |
Nami | “The softest water wears down the hardest rock.” | Moving |
Nasus | “The cycle of life and death continues. We will live, they will die.” | Pick |
Nautilus | “Fear the ocean’s weight.” | Attacking |
Neeko | “If Neeko can be everyone, how can Neeko be sure she’s anyone?” | Moving in disguise |
Nidalee | “Claw or spear, your end’s the same.” | Attacking |
Nocturne | “Are you my nightmare, or am I yours?” | Moving |
Nunu & Willump | “Ice, wind, spray of souls. Lay of seekers, the elder toll. Locked for eons, a frozen key. The power lies inside me!” | Moving |
Olaf | “Leave nothing behind!” | Pick |
Orianna | “I know what makes them tick. I know how to make the ticking stop.” | Taunt |
Ornn | “The weapons I forge do not have names. They have ambitions.” | Upgrading an item |
Pantheon | “I have found my limit a thousand times, and still I press further.” | Moving |
Poppy | “Keep swinging til’ you hit something.” | Attacking |
Pyke | “Sometimes a shark takes the bait, and sinks the whole ship.” | Moving |
Qiyana | “Look around, so many ways to kill you.” | Attacking |
Quinn | “A bird’s eye view is the best advantage.” | Moving |
Rakan | “I don’t need anything – but the right now.” | Moving |
Rammus | “Ok.” | Everything |
Rek’Sai | / | / |
Rell | “Forge your heart into something strong, unbreakable.” | Moving |
Renata Glasc | “I provide people with two options: do what I want, or do what I want but with more steps.” | Moving |
Renekton – Project | “I can’t leave this world, but I can tear it to shreds.” | Moving |
Rengar | “There is the hunter and the hunted.” | Moving |
Riven – Dawnbringer | “This world balances on the edge of my blade.” | Moving |
Rumble – Super Galaxy | “The fire in a yordle’s heart never burns out!” | Attacking |
Ryze | “Everyone is doomed to repeat history. That’s where I come in.” | Moving |
Samira | “I’ve got two rules for every fight. Don’t ask for permission, don’t ask for forgiveness.” | Game Start |
Sejuani | “Trust nothing but your strength.” | Pick |
Senna | “It’s harder to hold a hand than hold a gun.” | Moving |
Seraphine | One day, the music will stop. Better dance while you can!” | Moving |
Sett | “A wise master once said: ‘Be like water.’ Guess I’m kind of a tsunami.” | Moving |
Shaco | “Why so serious?” | Taunt |
Shen | “You’re already dead, you just haven’t caught up yet.” | Taunt |
Shyvana | “Come get a glimpse into the belly of the beast!” | Taunt |
Singed | “This may hurt.” | Attacking |
Sion | “Our drums will drown out their screams.” | Attacking |
Sivir | “I’ll fight for a cause. I won’t die for one.” | Moving |
Skarner – Battlecast Alpha | “You are coming with me.” | Using the ultimate |
Sona | “Emotion, love, those are the real instruments!” | Moving |
Soraka | “Order or chaos? Oblivion, or stasis? I will tip the scales.” | Moving |
Swain | “They expect me to play fairly. We aren’t even playing the same game.” | Moving |
Sylas | “A shepherd with no flock is just an idiot with a stick.” | Moving |
Syndra | “People fear what they cannot understand.” | Ban |
Tahm Kench | “It is the heart from which the darkest water flows.” | Game Start |
Taliyah | “Every pebble holds infinite potential.” | Moving |
Talon | “The worst part of losing a blade is trying to trace back all my stabbings.” | Joke |
Taric | “We’re all headed toward the same inevitable end. No need to rush.” | Moving |
Teemo | “Never underestimate the power of the Scout’s code.” | Taunt |
Thresh | “There is life. There is death. And then there is me.” | Joke |
Tristana | “Orders are more like guidelines, really.” | Moving |
Trundle – Traditional | “Don’t hate the player, hate the club that’s smashin’ your face!” | Joke |
Tryndamere | “No control! No… mercy.” | Attacking |
Twisted Fate | “Only a fool plays the hand he’s dealt.” | Taunt |
Twitch | “From out of the sewers comes… doom.” | Moving |
Udyr – Spirit Guard | “The energy of creation is our strength.” | Game Start |
Urgot | “I am stronger than man, stronger than machine, I am an idea.” | Moving |
Varus | “Beware a man with nothing to lose.” | Game Start |
Vayne | “Hitting me is like boxing with shadows.” | Taunt |
Veigar | “You deny the darkness in your soul! You deny your power!” | Taunt |
Vel’Koz | “Humans; simple, messy, yet exceptional.” | Moving |
Vex | “Welcome to Sad Town. Population: Me. Everyone else get out.” | Game Start |
Vi | “I let my hands do the talking.” | Moving |
Viego | “She was the star that lit my path. Without her… darkness.” | Moving |
Viktor | “Join the glorious evolution.” | Pick |
Vladimir | “Go ahead, be negative. You’ll be just my type.” | Joke |
Voliebar | “They have forgotten the old ways. The old ways have not forgotten them.” | Moving |
Warwick | “I became the monster I always was.” | Moving |
Wukong | “No matter how far it is to the top, it’s still within my grasp!” | Joke |
Xayah | “Victors are the sole authors of history. Time to write our chapter.” | Moving |
Xerath | “I see the forces that hold the universe together.” | Moving |
Xin Zhao | “Only actions truly speak.” | Moving |
Yasuo – Nightbringer | “Do not fear the darkness, fear the nothing after I am gone.” | Moving |
Yone | “Sometimes, to save someone, you must fight them.” | Moving |
Yorick | “I am the rift between life and death. The thin divide between breath and grave.” | Moving |
Yuumi | “Keep an eye out for red dot, Book! It’s gotta be here somewhere.” | Moving |
Zac | “It’s not how much you can lift. It’s how good you look!” | Taunt |
Zed | “Tradition is the corpse of wisdom.” | Moving |
Zeri | “You know what? We might die here. Let’s make sure we go down swinging.” | Game Start |
Ziggs | “I like my enemies like I like my bombs: about to explode!” | Taunt |
Zilean | “Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like banana.” | Joke |
Zoe | “There’s this illusion of the reality, but it’s not really really real, like it’s beside and inside and inside and beside, but never on top… Nevermind, just kidding, but not really..” | Moving |
Zyra | “Our seasons are reversed: my spring, your fall.” | Joke |
Veigar’s quote hints at his story. I recently summarized and explained the entire Veigar lore in this post, so you can check it out!
Almost every champion in LoL has at least two or three quotes worth sharing. But I tried to take out the perfect quote – the one that completely captures the spirit of the champion.
So even if a person that doesn’t play LoL can read these quotes and get an idea about the character who says them.
I hope you liked this compilation of the best League of Legends quotes!