The SAS greater than or equal to operators GE and >= operators allow us to check if a variable is greater than or equal to another value in a SAS data step.
data k;
a = 3;
if a ge 2 then put 'a greater than or equal to 2 with ge';
if a >= 2 then put 'a greater than or equal to 2 with >=';
/* Output: */
a greater than or equal to 2 with ge
a greater than or equal to 2 with >=
When working in SAS, logical operators allow us to control the flow of our data.
There are many different logical operators which allow us to perform checks on the values of variables.
One common operation is to check if a variable is greater than or equal to a particular value.
The SAS greater than or equal to operators GE and >= operators allow us to check if a variable is greater than or equal to another value in a SAS data step.
Below is a simple example of how you can check if a variable is greater than or equal to another value in SAS.
data k;
a = 3;
if a ge 2 then put 'a greater than or equal to 2 with ge';
if a >= 2 then put 'a greater than or equal to 2 with >=';
/* Output: */
a greater than or equal to 2 with ge
a greater than or equal to 2 with >=
How to Check if a Variable is Greater than a Value in SAS
If you want to check that a variable is strictly greater than another value, you can use the GT or > SAS operators.
Below is an example of how you can check if a variable is strictly greater than another value in SAS.
data k;
a = 3;
if a gt 2 then put 'a greater than or equal to 2 with gt';
if a > 2 then put 'a greater than or equal to 2 with >';
/* Output: */
a greater than or equal to 2 with gt
a greater than or equal to 2 with >
How to Check if a Variable is Less Than or Equal to a Value in SAS
If you want to go the other way and check if a variable is less than or equal to a particular value in SAS, you can use the operators for less than or equal to.
The SAS less than or equal to operators LE and <= operators allow us to check if a variable is less than or equal to another value in a SAS data step.
Below is a simple example which checks if a variable is less than or equal to a value in a SAS data step.
data k;
a = 3;
if a le 4 then put 'a less than or equal to 4 with le';
if a <= 4 then put 'a less than or equal to 4 with <=';
/* Output: */
a less than or equal to 4 with le
a less than or equal to 4 with <=
Hopefully this article has been useful for you to learn how to find out if a variable is greater than or equal to another with the GE and >= operators.