In Python, we can remove all occurrences of a character in a list by looping over each item in the list, and using the replace() function.
list_of_strings = ["This","is","a","list","of","strings","and","we","will","remove","certain","characters"]
def removeCharFromList(list, char):
for i in range(0,len(list)):
list[i] = list[i].replace(char,"")
return list
['This', 'is', '', 'list', 'of', 'strings', 'nd', 'we', 'will', 'remove', 'certin', 'chrcters']
When working with lists, being able to easily change, add or remove items in the list is important for efficient processing.
In Python, we can change items in a list easily.
One such change that we can make to a list to remove all occurrences of a character.
To remove all occurrences of a character in a list using Python, we can loop over each item in a list, and then use the Python string replace() function to replace all occurrences of a character in that element with an empty string.
Below is an example of how you can remove all occurrences of a character in a list with Python.
list_of_strings = ["This","is","a","list","of","strings","and","we","will","remove","certain","characters"]
def removeCharFromList(list, char):
for i in range(0,len(list)):
list[i] = list[i].replace(char,"")
return list
['This', 'is', '', 'list', 'of', 'strings', 'nd', 'we', 'will', 'remove', 'certin', 'chrcters']
How to Remove the First Character from Each Item in a List Using Python
We can also remove the first character from each element in a list easily using Python.
To remove the first character of each string in a list of strings in Python, we can adjust the code from above and use slicing.
Below is the Python code for removing the first character from each string in a list.
list_of_strings = ["This","is","a","list","of","strings","and","we","will","remove","certain","characters"]
def removeFirstCharFromList(list):
for i in range(0,len(list)):
list[i] = list[i][1:]
return list
['his', 's', '', 'ist', 'f', 'trings', 'nd', 'e', 'ill', 'emove', 'ertain', 'haracters']
How to Remove the Last Character from Each Element in a List Using Python
We can also remove the last character from each element in a list easily using Python.
To remove the last character of each string in a list of strings in Python, we can adjust the code from above and use slicing.
Below is the Python code for removing the last character from each string in a list.
list_of_strings = ["This","is","a","list","of","strings","and","we","will","remove","certain","characters"]
def removeLastCharFromList(list):
for i in range(0,len(list)):
list[i] = list[i][:-1]
return list
['Thi', 'i', '', 'lis', 'o', 'string', 'an', 'w', 'wil', 'remov', 'certai', 'character']
Hopefully this article has been useful for you to learn how to remove all occurrences of a character in a list in Python.