When using the turtle module in Python, we can change the turtle screen background color with the screensize() function.
import turtle
The turtle module in Python allows us to create graphics easily in our Python code.
We can use the turtle module to make all sorts of graphics in Python. For example, we can draw rectangles and draw squares easily in Python with the turtle module.
When working with the turtle module, sometimes it makes sense to want to change the background color of the turtle screen.
To change the background color of the turtle screen, you can use the ‘bg’ argument and pass any valid turtle color.
Below is an example of how to change the turtle screen background color in Python.
import turtle
How to Change the Screen Size of the turtle Screen using Python
When working with the turtle module, we can also change the turtle screen size with the screensize() function.
We can easily change the size of the turtle screen in Python with the screensize() function by passing integer values to the arguments ‘canvwidth’ and ‘canvheight’.
Below is an example how to change the size of the turtle window to have a width of 550 pixels and a height of 350 pixels in Python.
import turtle
turtle.screensize(canvwidth=550, canvheight=350)
You can also change both the background color and screen size at the same time by passing values to each of the arguments.
import turtle
turtle.screensize(canvwidth=550, canvheight=350, bg="green")
Hopefully this article has been useful for you to change the Python turtle background color.