In Python, the easiest way to convert a set to a list is using the Python list() function.
s = {0,1,2,3}
converted_to_list = list(s)
When working with collections of items in Python, it can be easier to convert them to other data structures to be able to work more efficiently.
We can convert sets to lists in Python easily.
A set is an unordered collection of unique elements. Depending on how you are using a set, you might want to convert it to a list to use common list operations.
To convert a set to a list using Python, we can use the list() function.
Below is an example of using the list() function to convert a set to a list.
s = {0,1,2,3}
converted_to_list = list(s)
Using a Loop to Convert Set to List in Python
We can also use loops to convert different collection of objects to a new data structure. With Python, we can convert sets to lists using a loop.
Below is an example of how to us a for loop to convert a set to a list with Python.
s= {0,1,2,3}
l = []
for x in s:
How to Convert a List to a Set in Python
If you want to convert a set to a list, we can use the Python set() function.
To convert a list to a set, we just pass the list variable to the set() function.
Below is an example in Python of how to convert a list to a set.
l = [0,1,2,3]
converted_to_set = set(l)
Hopefully this article has been useful to convert a set to a list in your Python code.