In Python, we can easily repeat characters in string as many times as you would like. The easiest way to repeat each character n times in a string is to use comprehension and the Python * operator.

string = "string"
n = 5
repeated_characters = ''.join([character*n for character in string])



You can also use a loop to repeat characters if you want to add more flexibility.

def repeatCharacters(n,string):
    new_string = ""
    for char in string:
        new_string = new_string + char*n
    return new_string



When using string variables in Python, we can easily perform string manipulation to change the value of the string variables.

One such manipulation is repeating a characters in strings many times. We can repeat characters in string with the * Python operator.

For example, if we want to repeat characters in a string 3 times, we can use comprehension to loop over each character, repeat the character three times, and then join it all together in a new string.

Below is an example of how to repeat each character in a string 3 times using list comprehension in Python.

string = "string"
n = 5
repeated_characters = ''.join([character*n for character in string])



You can also use a loop to repeat characters in a string.

def repeatCharacters(string,n):
    new_string = ""
    for char in string:
        new_string = new_string + char*n
    return new_string



Repeating Specific Characters in a String Using Python

You can also define a function which will only repeat specific characters in a string in Python. The examples above repeat each character the specified number of times.

If you want to repeat only certain characters, or want to repeat different characters different amounts, we can do so with a function.

We can use a loop and use the Python replace() function to repeat different characters different amounts.

Below is a function which will repeat specific characters in a string in Python.

def repeatSpecificCharacters(string,chars,n):
    for i in range(0,len(chars)):
        string = string.replace(chars[i], chars[i]*n[i])
    return string



Hopefully this article has been useful for you to learn how to repeat characters in a string using Python.

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Last Update: March 15, 2024