To convert a timestamp to a date in Python, the easiest way is to use the datetime fromtimestamp() function to create a datetime object and then convert that to a date.

from datetime import datetime 

ts = 1661540168

dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).date()



When working with date and times, the ability to change between different variable types easily can be valuable.

One such case is if you want to convert a timestamp to a date.

To convert a timestamp to a date in Python, the easiest way is to use the datetime fromtimestamp() function to create a datetime object.

After you have the datetime object, then you can remove the time from the datetime and get the date with date().

Below is a simple example showing you how to convert a timestamp to a date in Python

from datetime import datetime 

ts = 1661540168

dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).date()



Convert Timestamp to Date with Timezone in Python

If the timestamp you are using needs to be converted to a date with a specific timezone, then you can specify a timezone with the optional tz argument for fromtimestamp().

Below is an example of converting a timestamp to a date object and specifying a timezone.

from datetime import datetime 
import pytz

ts = 1661540168

dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts, tz=pytz.utc).date()



Hopefully this article has been useful for you to learn how to convert a timestamp into a date using Python.

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Last Update: March 11, 2024