Do you still find yourself wondering what exactly a podcast is? Are you interested in creating a podcast and have no idea where to begin? Are you struggling with the basics of podcasting and trying to understand how podcasts rank or become monetized? If so, you are not alone with these questions since podcasting is both a popular trend and a dynamic financial enterprise with a fine line between success or failure. But what are the basics of podcasting?
A podcast is an audio file or a video that features spoken-word content about a topic of the podcasters choosing. A podcast is usually an audio file that can be downloaded via the internet from a media company for easy and convenient listening or watching to a listener/viewer’s preferred device.
A podcast is a unique form of media communication in and of itself, but there is also an online media empire attached to podcasting that sees hundreds of millions of people listening to millions of podcasts each month. In this comprehensive guide, we are going to take an in-depth, all-consuming look at the world of podcasting that will give you the basics, provide insight into trends within podcasting, and set you up with a working foundation of how to create a podcast.
What Is a Podcast and How Do They Work?
Podcasts come in two primary formats: audio files or streaming or uploaded video. Many podcasters will also film their podcast session since subscribers are usually divided between audio or visual listeners.
But the most popular form of podcasting still remains the audio file, which for many listeners is similar to listening to a radio program. The format of a podcast can be generational in nature; both younger Millennials and Generation Z tend to prefer a video podcast whereas baby boomers and Generation X, largely raised on radio programming, lean towards traditional audio-only podcast formats.
A podcast can be thought of as a program, and the nature of the program can be about virtually anything. The program is hosted by one or more people that spend a specified amount of time discussing a topic or delivering their thoughts on something. There are news podcasts, political podcasts, sports podcasts, pop culture podcasts, paranormal podcasts, practically anything under the sun can be found in a podcast format.

A podcast is found and delivered on a platform that is usually found online. Spotify, YouTube, Pandora, Apple, Google, Megaphone, and many, many others. The podcasters largely create and run their program, and many have a set schedule in which they go online and discuss a topic. A podcaster may choose to speak alone or may choose to have special guests come on the program to add their thoughts and opinions on the topic.
A podcaster can choose to conduct the show live at the specified time or simply pre-record, edit, and then upload a podcast episode whenever they choose to for on-demand listening or viewing. If a podcaster chooses to go live randomly, many podcast platforms allow viewers to subscribe to the podcast and to receive notifications alerting them that a podcaster is now live or has uploaded a podcast episode.
Some podcasts may require a specified subscription fee whereas others are free to listen or watch and the podcast generates revenue based on views.
An audio podcast simply requires the listener to go to the podcast channel, click on the podcast, and listen to it via an internet connection or an option to download the podcast episode for offline listening. Video podcasts usually show the podcaster in their location with a camera filming them from the front and work in similar ways in terms of viewing.
Why Are Podcasts Called Podcasts?
The name podcast sounds strange when you first hear it, but there are specific meanings to the two parts of the name.
The “pod” in podcast comes from “iPod,” which was a pioneering smart device that first premiered and gained popularity in the early 2000s decade. A feature of the early iPod was the relatively new technology of recording yourself and later broadcasting your recordings on the internet. This is where the “cast” in podcast originates from which stands for broadcast.
A BBC journalist named Ben Hammersley coined the term in 2004 and it is now one of the most common terms in online media. A broad way to think of the word podcast is to picture online broadcasting and smart devices and you will get the general idea.
Why Does Everyone Have A Podcast?
It really does seem like virtually everybody now has a podcast. Some podcasts are more successful than others, but podcasting doesn’t just have to mean success and popularity; many podcasters simply want to use the technology to record their thoughts on topics for future posterity.
Everyone has a podcast largely because online media is the dominant force in all of our lives now. As recent as the 1990s and indeed most of the 2000s decade, media was an exclusive thing that only media conglomerates and broadcast corporations controlled. Broadcast companies decided who could broadcast radio programs and the content was based largely on the number of listeners that tuned each day or week.
The radio show was largely what podcasting is today, and there were a finite number of shows or creators/hosts that were available to the general public.
Now, with the advent of podcasting and the endless capabilities of the internet thanks to high-speed and Wi-Fi, anybody can sign up for a podcast platform and create their own podcast channel literally in their living room.
Never before has an entire population had the ability to broadcast their content creations all over the world–think about it, you could create a podcast that could be listened to by an unknown listener as far away as India or Japan. Podcast platforms are designed solely for the purpose of allowing their users to create and distribute their very own podcasts talking about anything they wish, whenever they want.
Nobody’s voice or passion for formerly underrepresented topics is off-limits granted you comply with the platform’s rules and regulations.

How Big Is The Podcast Industry?
The podcast industry is big, really big. Since practically anybody can create a podcast, this is not surprising. Research conducted by the University of Akron shows that podcast episodes on Apple alone totaled nearly 50 million throughout 2019 and 2020. The year 2020 alone saw a steady increase in podcast listening each and every month as people were quarantining inside of their homes.
And this doesn’t even include the millions upon millions of video podcasts on platforms like YouTube or the other top podcasting platforms.
The growth of the podcast industry is widespread in fields such as news, current events, politics, comedy, and popular culture. Millions upon millions of listeners or viewers are able to choose from a nearly endless range of podcasters in an infinite number of topics, and this is great news for both podcasters and podcast platforms.
As the capabilities of the internet continue to grow and evolve to surprising new heights, podcasts will continue to grow and flourish in the years ahead, and it is not outside the realm of possibility to see the podcast format become one of the most dominant sources of media in most of the world.
What Is The Point Of Podcasts?
A podcast is a form of media. As with any type of media, listeners or viewers are able to choose if they would like to listen to or watch something. If you have ever listened to a radio program before, this can give you a general idea of what a podcast is as well. Chances are, you have probably run across a video podcast on YouTube and weren’t even aware that you were watching a podcast.
The point of a podcast can be anything from entertainment, where listeners or viewers largely tune in to hear the podcaster offer their insights into a topic through similar opinions or even comedy, to something as obscure as ASMR podcasters that tell stories or read news headlines through this form of mental stimulation. The types of podcasts are endless.
There are educational podcasts that feature daily or weekly history lessons from educators or history buffs alike. A podcast may seek to challenge your views, teach you something you may not have known, make you laugh or terrify you, allow a podcaster to share their passion with people, and on and on.
Podcasts do not have to have a point or, a podcast can be direct and to the point in biased opinions or personal insights. You may run across a podcast that recaps episodes of popular reality television programs or a podcast that features a podcaster discussing and sharing their writing or artwork. Podcasts are multi-faceted and versatile in scope and there is something for everyone.
What Are Podcasts Good For?
A podcast can be good for individuals who want to excel in the sphere of podcasting or, it can simply be good for listeners who want to learn something or be entertained.
Since virtually anybody can create a podcast, there will be examples of incredible podcasts and those that are mediocre and need some work. You may run across a podcast where the podcaster is compelling and good at what they do or, you can easily run across a podcaster just in it for the monetary perks and simply presents a style that others commonly use as well. This all comes down to the power of communications in general.
A good podcast, no matter the content, will typically feature a podcaster that speaks clearly and passionately with a tone that matches the topic or their popular style. Additionally, a good podcast will run smoothly and the podcaster will not ramble or veer off-topic too much. A good video podcast will typically feature clear and dynamic recording (no smartphone recorders), as well as podcasters speaking into a microphone and engaging with the camera.
You get to pick what type of podcast appeals to you, and a good podcast will feature these traits that will likely have you subscribing to the podcast and returning to the show again and again. A podcast is good for whatever it is that you get out of it.

Are Podcasts Good For Learning?
In addition to entertainment, podcasts can also be educational, either intentionally or unintentionally. We touched upon the popularity of a history podcast as an example, but there are also millions of podcasts that offer knowledge or demonstrations for their listeners or viewers.
There are podcasts that cover topics in practically every field of knowledge, from complex science such as an astronomy podcast to niche topics like home and gardening tips.
For podcasts that actually teach educational subjects or analyze topics found in education, it is really important to check out the credentials of the podcaster. There are numerous teachers or former teachers that have podcasts, but there can also be education podcasts that use opinion in lieu of facts or scholarly information.
For podcasters that cite sources on the description box of the podcast, this is fine, but it is up to you to find out if the information they are giving you is rooted in fact.
For authentic educational podcasts, the opportunities for learning are plentiful. Even if a lot of what a podcaster says is conjecture or opinion, the opportunity to learn is still very much present since you will likely discover things that you were unaware of before.
Do Podcasts Make You Smarter?
On whether or not a podcast can make you smarter, this largely depends on the type of podcast you are listening to. As mentioned, there are podcasts that are purely entertainment or personal opinion, and there are also podcasts that do seek to offer knowledge to a listener.
You are the ultimate decider when it comes to how you gain knowledge or how well you apply critical thinking to the content you hear.
For example, if you consistently listen to a podcast that presents political opinion from only one ideology within the political spectrum, this may either reinforce what you believe or cause you to view politics and society in a certain way based on your engagement with the podcast.
An alternative would be to find a podcast that features two or more commentators from different political beliefs that each offers their insight into a political or social topic. An example like this can broaden knowledge and allow you to see multiple viewpoints.
Podcasts can certainly make you smarter by presenting you with facts, information, or viewpoints you may not have been aware of previously.
How Far Back Do Podcasts Go?
As a podcaster continues to add to their podcast, all episodes of a podcast are typically made available through an archive or a chronological order.
Subscribers and listeners of a podcast on a platform will be allowed to access every single episode of a podcast from the very first episode. But this is only if the podcaster allows old episodes to be accessed or if they want the episode to remain available for listening or viewing.
Also, depending on the podcaster or the platform, accessing old episodes of a podcast may only be available if subscribers pay a premium fee or some other protocol initiated by the podcaster of the platform.
But with nearly all platforms for podcasts, every episode since the first upload will be available for listening. This is appealing to new fans of a podcast since it allows for hours or even days and weeks of catching up on past episodes and exploring the episodes of the podcast to become fully acquainted with the program.

Are Podcasts Social Media?
Social media can mean many different things based on the numerous available social media platforms and the connections made through social media.
When it comes to podcasts, the opinion is divided. Podcasting became popular at a time in the early 2000s when social media was in its infancy. Throughout the 1990s during the age of dial-up internet, there were content creators who ran podcasts through their own individual websites. When we think of social media, Facebook and Twitter became global phenomenons in the late 2000s, and before that was a platform called MySpace in the mid-2000s.
So the divide in opinion is mostly rooted in the history of podcasting and its dating before the rise of social media. But podcasting today is so popular and allows so much outreach between countless individuals through online media that it can be easily thought of as social media.
So that leaves the actual functioning and presentation of the podcast to consider. In many ways, podcasting can be thought of as an online radio program. The program revolves around the podcaster(s) and their presentation of speaking points. Podcasters may interact with listeners in a chat feature through the platform, but this is not always the case.
So a podcast is both social and definitely a form of media, but the presentation is not similar to the common forms of social media.
Why Are Podcasts Important?
Podcasts can be important if the individual podcast is popular enough to be a viable outlet or source in terms of communications as a whole. But the importance of a podcast is largely subjective, and what is important to some may not be seen as important to others.
What makes podcasting important in terms of communications is the enormous amount of choice and outreach that podcasts provide for individuals in every walk of life.
For example, psychologists and social workers can use the podcast format to provide outreach to individuals anonymously who may be feeling mentally unwell or lost within the complex social system of society.
As mentioned, podcasts can be used as educational tools to allow students or those seeking knowledge to learn on their own time.
And yes, entertainment is a vitally important part of the human experience. Podcasts can make you laugh on days when life is sloping in a negative direction or offer you crucial advice if you are dealing with grief or disappointment, or even anger.
A podcast that is done well can be an important tool for listeners no matter what it is they are seeking to get out of a podcast. You may find that you end up liking a podcast or a point of view that you never knew was possible. You may gain some useful details about science or what some possible meanings of existence are. A podcast, no matter how serious or frivolous, is important in terms of something.
How Podcasts Became Popular
Podcasts have become popular for a wide variety of reasons. Let’s take a look at some of the most common reasons.
- Variety. There are literally millions of podcasts available that explore virtually everything under the sun. Listeners can choose to search for podcasts on a platform through keyword search features related to a topic, which goes to show the huge amount of podcasts that are available.
- Easy-to-use. When it comes to listening or watching a podcast, all a listener or viewer has to do is open an app, select the podcast they wish to listen to, go to the latest episode, and listen or watch. Many podcast platforms also allow users to download a podcast which comes in handy if you want to listen to a podcast and you are unable to access the internet.
- On-Demand availability. Unlike many radio programs that require listeners to tune at a specific time otherwise they miss the show, a podcast is available for listening or viewing whenever you have the time. Most podcasts are designed to include an entire library of the podcaster’s episodes from the first upload to the most recent. You can think of a podcast as a Netflix show for audio-only.
- Great for multitasking. A podcast is very user-friendly in how you can listen or watch a podcast while you multi-task with other activities. You can leave a podcast playing in one tab while you work in another on your computer, for most apps, you can download a podcast platform to a smart TV to play in the background, or you can listen through earphones on your phone while you are exercising.
- Communication. Podcasts are not a remote listening experience as you would get with something like a radio program. Since anybody can create a podcast, this creates a level of intimacy with listeners or viewers who share the passions or interests of the podcaster, no matter how niche or obscure the topic may be. Podcasters do not have regulations or business concerns to influence what they can and cannot say or discuss.
Are Podcasts Good For You?
Podcasts can certainly be good for you. Listening to a podcast can release endorphins and increase dopamine levels in the brain, and give you a feeling of community and intimacy with others who share your specific interests or passions.
Due to the large amounts of different types of podcasts, there are numerous emotions that can come with listening to a podcast. For example, a true-crime podcast can inspire feelings of fear or thrills, while a lifestyle tips podcast can bring about feelings of motivation or accomplishment for planning or finishing tasks.
There are podcasts available for whatever mood you are in or whatever interest that currently occupies your thoughts.

How Are Podcasts Made?
The process for recording a podcast is fairly simple in terms of the kind of technology that is needed.
For audio-only podcasts, a podcaster simply has to open the corresponding function inside of their account on a platform and choose to either start recording or choose to go live. For most beginner podcasters, recording and editing your podcast episode is usually the best process since this allows you to correct any mistakes, and going live may not be feasible if you have a small audience.
For podcasters that choose to record their podcast live, there is usually a chat and audio feature that is available inside the platform software that allows a podcaster’s audience to speak and engage with them. This is sort of like how traditional radio programs operate when sections of the show allow live callers to speak directly with the host. Going live takes some experience to get used to but is a great way for podcasters to connect with their audience.
A video podcast is made mostly in the same way as an audio-only podcast episode. The one exception is the use of cameras to record the podcaster as they conduct their show. Video podcasts appeal to some podcast listeners since they can see the reactions, expressions, or emotions of a podcaster while they are presenting their show.
Can Podcasters See Who Listens?
A podcaster is unable to see who listened to or downloaded their podcast episode. Podcasters are also unable to see who in particular subscribed to their podcast beyond the number of subscribers they currently have.
If a podcaster is streaming live, they will be able to see any listener profile inside of a chat room that usually comes with the live episode in real-time. They will also be able to see any comments made in a comment section for a podcast episode.
The only viable information outside of these examples for podcasters concerning their listeners is data that shows how many listens or views an episode receives, how many subscribers there are for the podcast, and depending on the podcast platform, some insights into data regarding demographics or user metrics that provide analytics for their podcast.
Do Podcasts Cost Money?
One of the most popular traits of a podcast for listeners is that nearly all podcasts, with very few exceptions, are 100% free to listen to or watch. All you will need is internet access to download or open a podcast platform, and the internet to listen to or watch a podcast if you choose not to download a podcast episode.
This is mostly because podcasters that grow subscribers and listens/views typically enter into a monetization agreement with a podcast platform. These agreements are based on advertisers who like to place their ads and promote products and services at specific, brief intervals during the running of a podcast episode.
This translates to revenue for both the podcast platform and to the podcaster who runs the podcast. Listeners and viewers will have to listen to or watch these ads in a similar way like network, broadcast television, or traditional radio programs. Many podcast platforms will also offer premium subscriptions to users on a monthly payment that allows listeners or viewers to listen or watch podcasts with no advertisement interruptions.
In terms of cost for the podcaster, a podcast can and usually does cost money to operate, but this is not a large amount. Podcasters will need to ensure that their equipment is sound and up to par with listener standards, and video podcasters may or may not need to purchase quality recording equipment to increase the visual quality of the video playback. Some platforms may charge podcasters a monthly or annual fee to unlock certain benefits for their podcast.

How Much Do Podcast Subscriptions Cost?
In terms of individual podcasts on a podcast platform, subscribing to a podcast is almost always free. But many platforms, such as Apple, will also offer subscription plans through the platform that largely prioritize benefits for the listeners or viewers of podcasts.
These subscriptions may sometimes be known as “premium plans” and the main feature of paying for these subscriptions is to remove ads that play during a podcast. Depending on the podcast platform, a subscription plan may also come with other perks and benefits.
These plans range in price and most platforms feature these plans on a monthly payment structure. For example, Apple offers a program that allows podcast listeners to prioritize certain podcasts of their liking for agreed-upon prices set by Apple and an individual podcaster.
In terms of video podcasting, YouTube is perhaps the largest platform, and a premium plan is offered for $11.99 per month that removes all ads from videos and comes with additional perks for the subscriber.
Why Are Podcasts Free?
A podcast is almost always free because the podcast platform is able to generate revenue through advertising on eligible podcasts. This in turn also benefits a podcaster because many platforms allow a podcast to become eligible for ads once a threshold is met regarding subscribers or total listens for a podcast.
For the listener or viewer, this means that podcasts are free to listen to, granted that you are okay with occasional ad breaks during the podcast. If not, you can typically choose a premium plan with the platform for a monthly fee to remove the ads.
Will Podcasts Always Remain Free?
Given the current ad revenue structure discussed, and also due to the enormous amount of podcasts being uploaded every minute of every day, it is likely that podcasts will remain free to listeners and viewers for the foreseeable future.
But there are of course trends related to market value and commercial popularity that can begin to tilt podcast platform listeners towards subscription payments.
With Apple podcasts, this can already be seen with the in-app subscription model offered to listeners that ensures ad-free listening and certain bonus features of a podcast that can only be unlocked through a paid subscription.
It can be said that podcasts will always be free through the advertisement system, but sales and market divisions are always analyzing trends to ensure profitability, and this means that podcasts could certainly start omitting certain features and placing the features behind a paywall in the future.
Does Listening To A Podcast Use Data?
Yes, listening to a podcast will use data, but this depends on how exactly you choose to listen to a podcast.
If you simply open a podcast platform on your chosen device and you play the podcast episode, this is streaming through the internet which will use bandwidth data corresponding to your internet plan.
If you choose to download a podcast episode to your device and watch it later, this does not use bandwidth data and will only take up storage space on your particular device.
So if you listen to a podcast over the internet, yes, data will be used during the duration of the podcast episode.

Does Podcast App Drain Battery?
If you listen to or watch a podcast on a battery-powered device, yes, the podcast episode will contribute to your battery charge.
But an audio-only podcast will typically not use much battery power while listening when compared to streaming or watching a video.
Can You Listen To A Podcast Without Downloading It?
Yes, you can certainly listen to a podcast without downloading the podcast episode. This is known as streaming a podcast over the internet and is convenient if you do not wish to use up all the storage space on your device.
This is usually the only way that you can listen to or watch a podcast if the podcaster is conducting a live show since an internet connection will be needed to listen or watch.
Can You Listen To A Podcast Without The Internet?
Alternatively, you can also choose to download a podcast to your chosen device. Most popular podcast platforms will already do this for you with each podcast you are subscribed to unless you specify otherwise.
Downloading podcasts has always been a trait that is common with this type of media. For a video podcast, you may have to specifically select a podcast episode to download to your device, and in the case of YouTube, downloading videos usually requires a premium subscription.
Will Podcasts Work In Airplane Mode?
If your device is in airplane mode, already downloaded podcast episodes can be listened to or watched without an internet connection. A podcast download cannot be done during airplane mode since an internet connection is needed by the app to perform the download process.
Does A Podcast Count As Screen Time?
A podcast will only count as screen time if the podcast is being listened to or viewed while the screen is actively on. If your podcast is playing in the background or if you are listening to a downloaded podcast with the screen off, this will not count as screen time according to the details of your device.
Can You Watch Podcasts?
The video podcast is sometimes confusing to people because the thought of watching a podcast is not the traditional definition of what a podcast is.
But yes, you can certainly watch a podcast in video form granted the podcaster has released a video version of a podcast episode. Many popular podcasters will sometimes or routinely video record their podcast episode and upload the video version to a popular video platform like YouTube.
This is a great way to please fans of both formats and also increases exposure for the podcaster since their podcast can be heard and seen on multiple platforms.
Is Podcast A Video?
Traditionally speaking, a podcast is an audio file. It is meant to mimic the radio format of an audio program that can be downloaded to a user’s device for listening whenever they like. Users may also choose to stream the podcast over the internet which can be easier if the listener wishes to listen to multiple podcast episodes in succession.
As mentioned, podcasters may also choose to film and release their recording session of an episode which is then known as a video podcast.

Where Do I Find Podcasts?
Podcasts can be found in multiple places and even on podcaster websites. But the main way to find multiple podcasts is through an app that is popular for podcasting. If you type “where can I listen to podcasts” into a search engine, you will typically get results that list the most popular apps and platforms for listening to or watching podcasts.
Apple, Google, Spotify, Audible, Stitcher, and TuneIn Radio are the most popular apps and platforms for podcasts. For video podcasts, YouTube, PodBean, and Vimeo are popular platforms to find filmed versions of podcasts.
Why Are Podcasts So Long?
Not all podcasts are considered long, and in fact, many podcasters prefer to keep their podcast in the 30-minute to 1-hour running time range. But sometimes, such as a history podcast, for example, podcasters want to cover a lot of essential information about a topic if education and enrichment are the focus. These podcasts can run for hours.
Can You Get A Transcript Of A Podcast?
Transcripts of a podcast can be attained by requesting a transcript of the podcast from the podcaster. Sometimes, a podcaster will use a speech-to-text program or a transcription service to record every word of a podcast episode for users who want a text copy or for those who are hearing impaired.
Outside of these options, you could choose to transcribe a podcast episode yourself with transcription software or even consult with a transcriptionist to transcribe the episode for you.
How Often Do Podcasts Come Out?
Podcast episodes are solely at the decision of the podcaster in terms of how often they record and release episodes and when they choose to release them.
Most podcasters will have a schedule that will be listed on their podcast main page stating the frequency at which they record a podcast episode and days of the week and times in which you can expect new episodes.
Other podcasters may choose to forgo a traditional recording schedule and frequency and record and release episodes whenever they choose to. By subscribing to a podcast and choosing to receive notifications about episode additions, you can receive alerts to your chosen device or email letting you know that an episode has been uploaded or if a podcaster is live.
You can also choose to have the app automatically download new podcast episodes to your device once the episodes are uploaded by the podcaster.
How Are Podcasts Structured?
A popular podcast structure will typically begin with an introduction to the program as designed by the podcaster. This will usually be a piece of music and a recording that reads off the name of the program and/or the topics that will be discussed in the episode.
A podcaster may choose to speak freely for a few minutes about personal topics or whatever is on their mind before launching into the topic of the episode. If the podcaster will be joined by guests, the guests will be introduced at a certain part of the show, otherwise, a traditional podcast episode will follow the usual structure of the podcaster about whatever it is they are speaking about.
A video podcast is the same as an audio podcast except you can see the podcaster and guests as they record the episode. Video podcasting also allows certain visuals or images to be presented that correspond to the topics being discussed.
How Are Podcasts Different From Radio?
A podcast is different from a radio program in terms of distribution and certain convenient benefits that are not possible with a radio program.
A radio show plays at a specific time on a specific day and a listener cannot rewind, pause, fast-forward or stop the show since the broadcast is typically live. With this in mind, many popular radio programs will now also release a program episode the next day for on-demand viewing on the program’s website, which coincidentally, is a podcast at this point.

How Are Podcasts Ranked?
On a podcast platform, a podcast will typically be ranked in terms of the number of listens or downloads overall. The popularity of a podcast corresponds to this ranking in addition to the number of subscribers to the podcast.
Many of the main pages of a podcast platform will feature highly ranked podcasts.
If a podcast is new or not highly ranked due to these details, one of the best ways to get a podcast to rank well is to add keywords to the description box on the podcast. Apple allows up to 12 keywords to appear in search algorithms and selecting the right keywords based on the topic of the podcast is crucial to building rankings.
Many new podcasters will use SEO tools to find the perfect keywords corresponding to a podcast or the main attractive words that relate to the topics of the podcast.
How Many Podcasts Are There?
There are literally millions of podcasts existing on the internet and on podcast platforms across the world. As many more people begin to learn about podcasting and realize how easy it is to create a podcast, these numbers will continue to grow as the years go by.
Although podcasting will certainly not come naturally to a large number of people, perseverance in the craft and honing in on podcasting skills go a long way in establishing a popular podcast.
Can You Become Famous For A Podcast?
You can certainly become famous for hosting a wildly successful podcast. Individuals like Joe Rogan, Jillian Michaels, and numerous comedians already had a certain degree of fame before starting their hugely successful podcasts, but there are numerous examples of everyday people becoming famous solely for their podcast.
This really comes down to how a person defines fame and popularity. A successful podcast, like many successful radio programs, is largely based on the theme and the content that draws in listeners.
Why Do Podcasters Wear Headphones?
Wearing headphones during the recording of a podcast is a great way to save time in the editing process. By wearing headphones during the recording, podcasters are able to hear any sound distortions from outside noise sources or even from tones and textures in their own speaking voice. The podcaster can correct these issues immediately during the recording to reduce the risk of possibly having an inaudible show after the recording.
There is nothing worse than putting all your passion into a recording of a podcast only to discover during the playback that sounds and distortions have ruined the entire episode. Wearing headphones allows podcasters to hear the tone, sound, and quality of their speaking, pick up on ambient noise distractions and measure audio input between the device, the app, and the network connection.
Why Are Podcasts Popular?
If you are wondering why podcasts are great or why they are popular, you may not be listening to the right podcast? The thing about podcasting is that the sky’s the limit in terms of variety and topics.
Podcasts are popular because of this variety and the ease of simply powering on your device, pulling up a podcast episode, and pressing play. You can find virtually any topic you can think of in the world of podcasting.