To find the absolute value of a number in php, the easiest way is with the php abs() function.

echo abs(-4); // Output: 4

Finding the absolute value of a number in php is easy. We can find the absolute number of both integers and floats using the php abs() function. The absolute value of a number is the non-negative value of a number.

If a positive number is passed to the abs() function, the return value is a positive number.

echo abs(3); // Output: 3

If a negative number is passed to the abs() function, the return value is a positive number.

echo abs(-13); // Output: 13

Finding the Absolute Value in php of an Integer

In php, we can use the abs() function to find the absolute value of an integer. The return value will also be of type integer.

echo abs(3); // Output: 3
echo abs(-3); // Output: 3

Finding the Absolute Value in php of a Float

In php, we can also use the abs() function to find the absolute value of a float. The return value will also be of type float.

echo abs(91.1237); // Output: 91.1237
echo abs(-91.1237); // Output: 91.1237

Hopefully this article has been helpful for you to understand how you can find the absolute value of a number in using php.

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Last Update: February 26, 2024