To get the last n rows from a pandas DataFrame, you can use the pandas tail() function.
df.tail() #Default will return the last 5 rows
When working with data and designing scripts to update data, sometimes it is useful to be able to do simple checks on our data to ensure everything is populating correctly.
The pandas tail() function allows us to get the last n rows of our DataFrame. By default, n is 5, but you can change this to any valid integer.
Let’s say we have the following DataFrame.
df = pd.DataFrame({'Age': [43,23,71,49,52,37],
# Output:
Age Test_Score
0 43 90
1 23 87
2 71 92
3 49 96
4 52 84
5 37 79
We can get the last 5 rows by calling tail().
# Output:
Age Test_Score
1 23 87
2 71 92
3 49 96
4 52 84
5 37 79
If we only want the last 2 rows, we pass “2” to tail()
# Output:
Age Test_Score
4 52 84
5 37 79
If you want to get the first n rows from a pandas DataFrame, you can use the pandas head() function.
Getting the Last Row from a Pandas DataFrame
To get the last row from a pandas DataFrame, we can use the pandas tail() function. All we need to do is pass “1” to tail() to get the last row.
Let’s say we have the same DataFrame from above. Getting the last row is easy, as shown below in the following Python code.
# Output:
Age Test_Score
5 37 79
Hopefully this article has been useful for you to understand how to use the pandas tail() function to get the last n rows from a pandas DataFrame.