In JavaScript, we can remove the last character from a string easily using the String slice() method.
var newString = oldString.slice(0,-1);
The code above will return the original string minus the last character.
Let’s say we have the following JavaScript:
var someString = "This is some example text";
var newString = someString.slice(0,-1);
In the above code, newString will have the following value after applying the slice method to the the original string:
We can also remove the last character from a string using the String substring() method and length property.
var someString = "This is some example text";
var newString = someString.substring(0,someString.length-1);
This code will provide the same results as the slice method did above.
Let’s take a look at another simple example.
Using JavaScript to Remove the Last Character From a String with a Click
In this simple example, we will have a really long string to start out. We will then provide a button to let the user remove the last character from that string as many times as they want.
Here is the HTML setup:
Remove last character
First, we will populate the div #updatedString with a long string we will make up.
We will then add an onclick event to our #click-me div that will run a function we will create called removeLastCharacter(). Our function will remove the last character of the string using the slice() method.
We will finally update the #updatedString div using the textContent property with the new string.
Here is the JavaScript code:
//Our string
var startingString = "This is a long string that we can remove the last character from as many times as we want by pressing the button below."
//We will populate the div #updatedString with our string
document.getElementById("updatedString").textContent = startingString;
function removeLastCharacter(){
//We remove the last character of the string
startingString = startingString.slice(0,-1);
//We will then update the div #updatedString with our new string
document.getElementById("updatedString").textContent = startingString;
The final code and output for removing the last character from a string using JavaScript is below:
Code Output:
Full Code:
Remove last character
var startingString = "This is a long string that we can remove the last character from as many times as we want by pressing the button below."
document.getElementById("updatedString").textContent = startingString;
function removeLastCharacter(){
startingString = startingString.slice(0,-1);
document.getElementById("updatedString").textContent = startingString;
Hopefully this article has been useful for you to learn how to use JavaScript to remove the last character from a string.