In JavaScript, we can redirect to a relative URL by using the window.location object and setting it to the relative path we want.

window.location.href = "";

Here are some quick relative redirect examples which we will go over below.

window.location.href = "";
//This redirect will be relative to our CURRENT directory

window.location.href = "/";
//This redirect will be relative to our HOME directory

window.location.href = "../";
//This redirect will be relative to one directory ABOVE our current directory

window.location.href = "../../";
//This redirect will be relative to TWO directories ABOVE our current directory 

window.location.href = "new-directory/";
//This redirect will be relative to the directory new-directory in our current directory

Let’s go over a bunch of examples to show how redirecting to a relative URL in JavaScript works.

In these examples, we will simply show the JavaScript setup and the page you would get redirected to.

window.location.href = "";


Since this page is currently in the main directory “”, by just putting, it will go to this page in the same directory. Hence

Let’s show another example assuming we are in a new directory of our site:

window.location.href = "";

//Assuming our page is located at


If however, we wanted to go to the relative URL from our new location, we would simply have to change our JavaScript code a little.

window.location.href = "/";

//Assuming our page is located at


By adding the / before our page, we are saying we want to redirect to our domain directory, and go to the page via that path.

Let’s see another example:

window.location.href = "../";

//Assuming our page is located at


The ../ will make us go up one directory from where we were.

And finally:

window.location.href = "another-directory/";

//Assuming our page is located at


Hopefully this article has been useful for you to understand how to use JavaScript to redirect to a relative url.

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Last Update: March 22, 2024