In JavaScript, to get the value of a number and its exponent, we can use the Math.pow() method.

var num = Math.pow(2,4);

The output of the code above would be the number 16.

Some other examples of Math.pow() method are below:

var num1 = Math.pow(6,1);
var num2 = Math.pow(2,2);
var num3 = Math.pow(3,25);
var num4 = Math.pow(0,3);
var num5 = Math.pow(-2,2);
var num6 = Math.pow(-2,3);
var num7 = Math.pow(-2,-2);
var num8 = Math.pow(-2,-3);
var num9 = Math.pow(3,0);
var num10 = Math.pow(.3,4);

Which would result in the following:


Note that we can also use the exponentiation operator (**) to get the same results. Here is an example:

var num = 2**4;

The above code will give the same result as our first example of Math.pow(2,4) = 16.

The main thing to be aware of is that any negative base number will need to be in parentheses. (-2)**2 and not -2**2.

JavaScript Exponents in Action

Below we will provide code to let the user input two numbers, and then use the Math.pow() method to find the first number(base) to the power of the second number(exponent). Here is our simple HTML setup:

Enter two numbers below. We will provide the result of the first number to the power of the second number.

Below we will write our function. We will get both numbers that the user has entered using the value property. We will then display the results using the textContent property.

function runFunction() {
  var num1 = document.getElementById("userVal1").value;
  var num2 = document.getElementById("userVal2").value;
  var num = Math.pow(Number(num1), Number(num2));
  document.getElementById("results").textContent = num;    

The final code and output for this example is below:

Code Output:

Enter two numbers below. We will provide the result of the first number to the power of the second number.

Full Code:

Enter two numbers below. We will provide the result of the first number to the power of the second number.


function runFunction() {
  var num1 = document.getElementById("userVal1").value;
  var num2 = document.getElementById("userVal2").value;
  var num = Math.pow(Number(num1), Number(num2));
  document.getElementById("results").textContent = num;    


Hopefully this article has been useful in helping you learn about JavaScript Exponents.

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Last Update: May 3, 2024