Everyone seems to be making a podcast these days. They are everywhere and everyone seems to be making them. However, if you have to make a podcast for school, you may be wondering how to start.
Where can you find expert knowledge on how to make a podcast?
Luckily this article draws on information provided by experts and will help you to make the best podcast for your school project that you possibly can. So, stop reading this intro and get on with reading the rest of this article so you can make an amazing podcast!
What Do I Need To Start My Own Podcast for School?
How to make a podcast for school? This question has been asked by thousands of students who want to start their own podcasts.
Podcasting is a great way to share your knowledge and expertise with others. If you’re interested in starting a podcast, here are some things to consider before you get started:
You will need:
- A computer or laptop (ideally)
- An internet connection
- A microphone (optional)
- Software that can record audio files
- Your name on it (a file name so your teacher knows it was made by you)
These are all incredibly important things that you need to make sure that you make the best podcast for your school project that you can.
If you don’t have any of these things readily at hand then either ask your parents or teachers how you might be able to get them in order that you can successfully get underway with your school project.
Now let’s turn to how you can actually get into production and make your podcast as good as it can possibly be.
The Steps To Making A Great Podcast for School
Once you have all your equipment, it is time to get started on making your podcast! However, there are certain steps that you need to follow in order to make your podcast as exciting and enjoyable to listen to as possible.
If you carefully follow these simple steps then you will have no problem with creating one of the best podcasts that your school has ever heard.
What Should Be The Topic Of My Podcast?
The first thing you need to decide is what kind of content you want to create. Do you want to talk about technology? Do you want to teach people how to improve their lives?
Or maybe you want to give advice to other students.
Whatever your passion may be, there are many ways you can use your podcast to help others.
If your teacher has already given you a topic to make your podcast on then that makes your task easier and a bit more complicated – if you want to make a great podcast on an interesting topic like dinosaurs or volcanoes then you need to do some research.
Making your podcast as informative as possible is exactly what you need to do to impress your teacher and your classmates.
Who Am I Talking To?
The next step is deciding who your audience is. You might have an idea of who they are but it’s always good to know exactly who you are targeting. Are you going to talk to your parents? Students? Business owners? Entrepreneurs?
People who work at local businesses? It all depends on what you want to achieve with your podcast.
If your podcast is simply a school project that will only be listened to by your teacher you don’t need to worry too much about your audience as your audience is someone you already know pretty well.
No matter who your audience is though it is important that you make sure that you do it well.
Is This Something I Can Do Alone?
If you’ve never done anything like this before then you might find it difficult to produce your own podcast. However, if you have experience doing similar projects, then you probably won’t struggle too much.
You may of course be making a podcast for school with your classmates – if this is the case then it is very important that you make sure to work with them at all times.
It will not only make the podcast easier to make if you each give your classmates a job to do but it will also make it more fun if you are working together.

Where Do I Get Ideas For Topics?
If you’re not sure where to begin when thinking about topics for your podcast, then you could try brainstorming with friends. Ask them questions such as “what would you like to learn more about?” or “how can we improve our business?”
Again, this should only be an issue if your teacher wants you to make a podcast but doesn’t give you a topic.
If they have given you a topic then it isn’t too much of an issue – however it is always worth thinking about the most interesting way to approach your topic to make it as exciting as possible.
How Do I Plan My Episodes?
Once you’ve decided on a topic, you’ll need to think about how you’re going to present it.
For example, if you want to talk about a company, then you could interview someone who is already successful in this field. Alternatively, you could ask experts to answer your burning questions.
How Long Does Each Episode Last?
This is one of the most important decisions you’ll make when creating your podcast. The length of each episode will depend on the type of content you’re producing. A 30-minute video is different from a 15-minute podcast.
Your teacher may of course have already given you a set amount of run time for your podcast – make sure you have that in mind when you come to record it because you don’t want to spend ages trying to edit it when you could be doing other things.
Can I Add Music?
Adding background music to your podcast is a great way to set the mood and enhance your audio quality. You don’t necessarily need to hire a professional musician though – you can easily download free songs online.
It is always worth asking your teacher first about if they want music in the podcast because they might simply want to have you talking.
It’s also important to remember that you don’t want the music to be too loud when you make the podcast because you want your teacher or anyone else who wants to hear your podcast to be able to hear you speaking and not just the music.
How Do I Promote My Podcast?
There are lots of ways to market your podcast. You could put up posters around the school or put flyers up in the cafeteria.
Of course, it depends on whether your podcast is simply for your teacher to listen to or not – your teacher might not want you to promote the podcast, especially if it is part of an assessment.
What Equipment Do I Need To Record My Podcast?
To record your podcast, you’ll obviously need a microphone. This isn’t essential but it will make your voice sound clearer than just using your phone. If you want to go digital, then you’ll also need software that records audio files.
If you are using a microphone it might be best to discuss with your parents and teachers what microphones you might be able to use and whether the school has one that you can use for your podcast.
When Should I Start Recording My Podcast?
You’ll need to start planning your podcasts well ahead of time. Try starting early so you can spend some time perfecting your script and choosing the best topics.
How Do I Edit My Recordings?
When editing your podcast, you‘ll need to cut out any unnecessary parts. This includes introductions and transitions between sections. Also, you’ll want to remove any background noise from your audio file.
How Do I Publish My Podcast?
You can either upload your podcast directly to iTunes or SoundCloud. Both websites offer easy-to-use apps which allow you to create playlists and share your podcasts with others.
Your teacher might only want to listen to the podcast so this isn’t a problem if they simply want you to send the finished product to them in an email.
Do I Need A Website?
A website is definitely useful if you want people to subscribe to your podcast. It’s also a good idea to include links to your other social media profiles.
Again, your teacher might not want you to promote your podcast so make sure you speak to them before you consider creating a website for it.
Should I Charge Money For My Podcast?
It depends on what your goals are. If you want to make money from your podcast, then charging for subscriptions might be an option.
However, if you want to use your podcast as a platform to help students learn new skills, then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t give away your work for free.
Given that you may be making your podcast as a piece of assessed work it might not be appropriate to consider charging money for people to listen to it.
Final Thoughts
Podcasts are incredible things. They give us all kinds of information, can be extremely funny and help us communicate with one another.
That’s why it is so important to know how to properly make a podcast, particularly if it is for your schoolwork.
Being able to master all forms of communication in our increasingly technologically advanced world and that is why it is so crucial that you take the time to understand how to make a great podcast for it is a true life skill that you may have to use later in life.