To check if a number is negative using Python, you can use the less than operator < to check if a number is less than 0.

a = -5

print(a < 0)


When working with numbers, the ability to check for certain properties of those numbers easily can be valuable.

One such case is if you want to check if a number is negative. Checking to see if a number is a negative number can be useful in error handling or data cleansing, for example.

A number is negative if it is strictly less than 0.

Therefore, to check if a number is negative using Python, you can use the less than operator < to check if a number is less than 0.

Below are some examples showing you how to check if a number is negative using Python.

a = -5
b = 8 
c = -10

print(a < 0)
print(b < 0)
print(c < 0)


If you want to perform some actions if a number is negative, then you can use an if statement as shown below.

a = -5

if a < 0: 

Check if Number is Positive with Python

To check if a number is positive using Python, you can use the greater than operator > to check if a number is greater than 0.

Below are some examples showing you how to check if a number is positive using Python.

a = -5
b = 8 
c = -10

print(a > 0)
print(b > 0)
print(c > 0)


Hopefully this article has been useful for you to check if a number is negative in your Python code.

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Last Update: March 12, 2024