Podcasting is a great way to connect with your audience. One of the best ways to do this is by creating compelling descriptions for each podcast episode. We have compiled some tips to help you create better descriptions for your podcasts. You should always include the title, the guests being interviewed, and what they talk about in the episode.
If you’re doing an interview show, it’s also good practice to mention who you interviewed and why this person is qualified to be on your show. You want listeners to know right off the bat if they are interested in listening or not.
What is a Podcast Description?
A podcast description is a blurb summarizing what a podcast episode is about. This text appears on iTunes, Stitcher, and other directories where people can find your show.
Why are Podcast Descriptions Important?
Podcast descriptions are important because they give potential listeners a taste of what the episode is about. If you have a great description, it can make someone want to click and listen to your episode. On the other hand, if your description is lackluster, it may cause people to skip over your show altogether.
How Long Should a Podcast Description Be?
There is no set length for a podcast description, but it’s generally recommended to keep them brief. Most directories only allow for a few sentences or so.
Some other things you may want to consider including are:
- The mood or tone of the episode.
- Any major announcements or news that happened during the episode.
- Where people can find more information about your podcast or contact information.
Which Elements are Included in a Compelling Podcast Description?
There are a few things you can do to create a compelling podcast description:
- Start with a catchy headline.
- Summarize what the episode is about in one or two sentences.
- Include guest bios, if applicable.
- Mention who the podcast host is and why they’re qualified to talk about this topic.
- Use keywords that people might use to search for your show.
How Do I Write Good Podcast Descriptions?
There isn’t one formula for writing great podcast descriptions. However, there are some general tips that you can follow. Let’s take a closer look at the items above:
- Start by stating the episode title and the guest’s name.
- Follow this by summarizing what people will learn in your show. What can they expect to gain? How will their lives be different if they listen to your podcast?
- Finish off with a short bio about yourself or whoever is hosting the podcast. You want listeners to know why you are qualified to talk on this topic, so include any credentials here!
Writing compelling podcast descriptions should not be difficult if you follow these simple guidelines. If done correctly, it should increase downloads of each episode which means that your audience gets bigger every day! Remember that publishing once per week is a good rule of thumb because it creates the regular expectation of a new episode on the same day every week and a routine for subscribers and listeners to get into.
You might want to follow the template above for writing your podcast description. It should be fairly simple to use and tell a complete story about the podcast.
For example: “In this episode of XYZ Podcast, we interview guest ABC. They talk about their experience working in the industry and provide some great tips for anyone looking to get into it. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn more about the field.”
Notice how each element in the description is simple and informative while giving the highlights upfront. You don’t want to give the answer to the test, but you don’t want to give a sneak peek at some of the questions. The other thing to consider is to follow a three-part format. There is the who (podcast name, who is being interviewed), what (what is discussed), and why (why you should listen and who it is ideal for).
This will help you write multiple original descriptions for your podcast across many platforms. As you will find out in the next section, search engine optimization is important for this part and using this template while making each description unique will help your podcast a lot.
Search Engine Optimization for Your Podcast Descriptions

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is important for so many media formats these days and requires thought and planning. If someone is looking for a podcast about their favorite topic, they will likely turn to a search engine first to find it. This is your opportunity to put your podcast in front of them and convert them into long-time listeners.
Using SEO for your podcast description is the first step in promoting your podcast to a new and wider audience.
To use SEO effectively, you will need to:
- Use the right keywords and choose them wisely. For example, if your episode is about handling difficult family members during the holidays, don’t just say “hacks for tough relatives”. Instead, try something like “how to keep calm when dealing with holiday drama” or even better, “Keep Your Sanity During the Holidays with These Holiday Hacks!”
- Make sure that these keywords are relevant in all places where people might see it (your podcast description at iTunes/Stitcher etc., but also any other place where they can find out more information about your show). You want listeners who already love what you’re doing so make this clear! Search engines are just one way of converting them into long-term fans.
The more you focus on creating great podcast descriptions, the better your chances for success! Your description entices people to click through and listen, so spend some time brainstorming how it can really connect with potential listeners.
Don’t forget that SEO is not an exact science – go ahead and experiment with different keywords in each place where they appear (iTunes, Stitcher, etc.). You’ll get a feel for which ones work best over time! Remember that every show has its own unique voice & personality – use this to your advantage when writing out key phrases or goal words related directly to your topic. The right words will resonate with anyone who listens to the show, enticing them to learn more.
Using Links in Your Podcast Descriptions
It is usually a good idea to use links in your podcast descriptions. This is a great way to provide listeners with more information about what you talked about in the episode. It can also help with your SEO efforts!
There are two types of links that you might want to use:
- Links to articles or blog posts mentioned in the show
- Links to other podcasts or episodes that are related to the one you’re currently promoting
Both of these types of links can be really helpful for listeners. If they’re interested in learning more after hearing your episode, they can click on the link and get all of the information they need right there without having to search for it themselves.
Links also help with SEO – Google loves websites that are frequently linked to by other high-quality websites. This means that your podcast will rank higher in search engine results pages if you include links in your descriptions!
Be sure to use only high-quality links, as this reflects positively on your show and increases the chances of listeners clicking through.
The Apple Podcast Description Character Limit
One of the most popular podcast platforms worldwide is Apple Podcasts, and you can find thousands of titles there. Having a good podcast description on Apple could help you gain a lot of listeners. However, there is a character limit for their podcast descriptions of about 170-190 characters.
So, what should you do if your podcast description is too long for the character limit? You can either shorten it or use a tool like SplitText to break it up into multiple descriptions.
Podcast Descriptions Are the First Impression
Your podcast description is the first impression. It’s a fine line between explaining everything a podcast will deliver without delivering everything is a difficult one to walk. If you get your description wrong, your potential listener may never know what your podcast is about. The best way to make sure you’re getting it right is by looking at some of the top podcasts in your category and seeing how they describe their show.
Are there any keywords that are repeated throughout their descriptions? This could be a good indicator of what’s important to them and what you should focus on in your description. Also, take note of how much information they give away. Do they explain what the episode is about or do they leave that for the potential listener to figure out?
Let’s look at some examples of how you might write a description for your podcast, depending on the type of podcast you are producing.
If you are producing an interview podcast, the description might look something like this:
“What do you get when two experts in the field of podcasting sit down and record a conversation? A super interesting episode that’s jam-packed with actionable advice to help your own show grow. In this episode, we chat with Jane Doe from Home Corner about how she creates podcasts at her home studio.”
If yours is an informational podcast, it might look like this: “In today’s episode, Jamie & Steve talk about their most embarrassing parenting moments as well as some tips on how to teach children good manners. This topic will relate to every parent out there!”
If yours is a comedy podcast, try something like: “This episode has everything! There are hilarious stories about pets, bloopers from the last show, and even some good rants. This will be one of your favorite episodes to listen back on!”
As you can see, there are different ways to go about writing out descriptions for each type of podcast. The important thing is not necessarily what words you use but rather how well it connects with podcast listeners to entice them into giving your show a shot by listening or subscribing.
Additional Tips for Writing Great Podcast Descriptions
This is your moment to connect with listeners before they even hear a word of your podcast. To do that, there are a few more things to consider when writing your podcast description:
- Include a call to action: This is your chance to tell podcast listeners what you want them to do. It could be as simple as asking them to subscribe or write a review, but they must know the next step for this process to work! Always include links.
- Link out from your podcast description: This will provide extra value and make it easier for listeners interested in learning more about something you mentioned on your show. Don’t forget the power of images.
- Add an image: Adding an image can help grab attention and keep readers scrolling down through all of those words! Be creative with how you use images – some people prefer using funny pictures instead of ones related directly to their content. Ultimately, choose one that best fits your show and helps with branding.
As you can see, writing compelling podcast descriptions is a delicate balance of the right words in the right places! You want to provide just enough information that listeners are intrigued but not overwhelmed by what they might hear on your show if they give it a chance.
Finally, make sure your podcast delivers on everything promised in the description! If you say your show is funny, make sure there are plenty of laughs throughout. If it’s an interview podcast, make sure the guest is interesting and provides great information. The best way to keep listeners coming back for more is by being consistent with the content you produce.