Ahri is one of the most beloved champions in League of Legends. But the fan-favorite fox lady isn’t only a sympathetic character on the surface – she’s also one of the strongest mid laners in the game.
Ahri is quick, bursty, and mobile, which makes her really fun to main. However, what are some other champions like Ahri in League of Legends?
And the answer to this question hides among the AP mages/assassins. Ahri’s playstyle is all about bursting a single target while still being mobile enough to escape any danger.
So, that’s the kind of champion we’re after.
Here’s a list of 7 champions like Ahri in LoL that will definitely suit you if you’re an Ahri player!
Read Also: 5 Reasons Why Ahri is so Good
The 7 Best Champions Like Ahri in LoL
1. LeBlanc
Speaking from personal experience (Grandmaster peak mid laner), LeBlanc is one of the most powerful mid lane picks in the entire game.
And luckily for us, she has similar strengths to Ahri, which makes her a great substitute for when Ahri is banned.
Everybody knows – LeBlanc is more of an assassin than an AP mage. She specializes in one-shotting the enemy team with one of her trademark combos – Q > W > R > E and Q > Q > W > E.
But LB can also CC her opponents and isolate one target during a fight, much like Ahri. Her chain is on the same button (E) and it has almost the same range as Ahri’s Charm.
And you often start fights with LeBlanc’s E just like you would on Ahri.
The best part about LeBlanc is that she has overall better mobility than Ahri. Ahri can only dash during her ultimate which she unlocks at level 6. But LeBlanc’s dash comes from her W and she can use it since level 1.
And at level 6, LB can dash twice because she can replicate her W with her R.
Damage-wise, both Ahri, and LeBlanc are decent. I’d say that LB’s damage is more bursty but Ahri can also slay an enemy while they’re under her Charm.
And that’s why LeBlanc is one of the best champions like Ahri in LoL!
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2. Vex
Vex is one of the newer additions to the mid lane. She’s easy to play, counters many “difficult” champions for Ahri, and she’s powerful enough to carry games alone.
During the laning phase, Vex has a similar tempo to Ahri. The early levels are dedicated to farming and poking the mid lane opponent. And once level 3 is there, both Vex and Ahri can look for kills with their crowd control and damage.
Instead of a charm, Vex has her fear. This comes from her passive – Doom ‘n Gloom which allows Vex to fear all enemies she hits with Q, W, or E.
And every time her abilities turn green, Vex can try to 1v1 the enemy mid laner. But she can also save the fear to counter the enemy jungler’s gank.
Once Vex unlocks her ultimate, it’s Go time! Her ultimate – Shadow Surge is a long-ranged attack that damages the first enemy hit. But Vex can reactivate this ability to fash to that enemy champion.
The cooldown of Shadow Surge gets rest each if Vex slays her target within 6 seconds of using it.
In other words, Vex’s ultimate is much scarier than Ahri’s ultimate. It ensures that Vex will apply her fear and it gives her an enormous advantage in late game team fights.
Vex’s damage shouldn’t be underestimated either, so I really recommend you play her if you like Ahri!
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3. Lissandra
In the third place, we have Lissandra. Lissandra is a strong mid lane mage that controls the entire game with her presence. She has damage, CC, mobility, and defensiveness – everything you might want from a mid champ.
Starting with her Q – Ice Shard, Lissandra can easily farm minions and poke enemies. And this works similarly to Ahri’s Q. On the other hand, Lissandra’s W is an AoE spell that roots and damages all enemies around her, including champions.
But things get interested with Lissandra’s E – Glacial Path. This is an ability that deals damage and allows Lissandra to dash to a target location.
It isn’t instant and it requires a bit of planning, but it’s a powerful tool nonetheless.
Lissandra’s R – Frozen Tomb can be used in two different ways. If cast on an enemy champion, Lissandra freezes them for 1.5 seconds (stun).
And if cast on herself, Lissandra becomes untargetable (like Zhonya’s Hourglass) and heals herself. This is one of the most useful spells in the game that gives you advantages in different situations.
One drawback of playing Lissandra after Ahri is that she isn’t as mobile as Ahri. However, Lissandra has more crowd control than Ahri and that’s a big benefit.
All in all, Lissandra is one of the best champions like Ahri in League of Legends!
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4. Neeko
Neeko is another champion that not too many players take in the mid lane. She has a unique ability set that works very well in certain situations. And if you haven’t played Neeko, here’s what you need to know.
Neeko’s Q is a basic damaging ability that fills the role of Ahir’s Q. Her E is a long-ranged spell that roots every enemy in its path.
Sometimes it’s even more useful than Ahri’s Charm because it’s easier to hit and it can trap multiple enemies.
Things get interesting once you start to implement Neeko’s W – Shapesplitter. It allows Neeko to disappear for a split second and summon a copy of herself. Think of LeBlanc’s passive but on an active spell.
And Neeko’s R – Pop Blossom is a large AoE burst that deals damage to all enemies around her. This ability is a bit tricky to aim and you have to make sure that the enemies stay in its range.
But combined together, Neeko’s kit can give you all the chances in the world to carry the game.
Neeko’s damage is actually insane, with high base damage on all of her abilities, high AP ratio, and overall low cooldown.
Neeko is a trickster champion and you should play her that way. But if you like playing Ahri, I’m sure you’ll like playing Neeko too!
5. Zoe
In the fifth place, we have Zoe. Zoe is one of the most interesting champions you can play in Leauge if you like the mage/assassin playstyle. She’s quick, bursty, and tons of fun!
Here’s what you need to know about Zoe.
Zoe’s playstyle is all about long-range one-shotting. You set up the kills with your E – Sleepy Trouble Bubble, which is your only crowd control ability (just like Ahri’s E).
You follow this with your Q – Paddle Star which does more damage the longer it travels. Sometimes you can add your R – Portal Jump to extend the range of your Q and deal even more damage.
The great thing about Zoe is that she can stay relatively safe even while one-shotting. Her ability kit allows her to play from afar, which is very efficient for scoring kills and carrying games.
Like Ahri, Zoe’s W also damages a single enemy every time she uses a stolen spell. With Spell Thief you have tons of variety in each game, making the gameplay really exciting.
All in all, Zoe can feel really natural after you play Ahri. You won’t find it too hard to adapt once you understand how Zoe’s abilities work. And I really recommend you try her!
Here are my top 10 tips for playing and climbing as Zoe in LoL!
6. Syndra
Many players that enjoy Ahri also love playing Syndra. These two champions have a similar playstyle during the laning phase, but vastly different ones during late game team fights.
However, here’s why you should play Syndra.
Syndra controls the mid lane like no one else. She has an extremely fast wave clearing speed and push potential. Syndra can stun multiple enemies and she can burst down a single enemy in no time.
But one of the best things about Syndra is that her crowd control is on her E button – Scatter the Weak, just like Ahri and her Charm. Combined with an orb, Scatter the Weak opens up a perfect opportunity for a kill.
It doesn’t allow Syndra to do bonus damage to the target like Ahri’s Charm, but Syndra has enough damage to slay anyone anyway.
Even though Ahri isn’t an easy champion to master, Syndra also takes a lot of experience and practice. She doesn’t have mobility spells and you have to be careful about your positioning.
Syndra can be a great pocket pick for when Ahri is banned or taken away by the enemy team. You’ll pick her up easily if you’re a decent Ahri player. I definitely think you should!
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7. Seraphine
Seraphine, like Ahri, is one of the few champions in League of Legends that has Charm. Of course, their playstyles aren’t the same but they have a lot of similarities too.
Even though Seraphine’s abilities are all skillshots (except the W), they are way easier to aim at than Ahri’s abilities. For example, Seraphine’s spells have a longer range and are generally wider.
Sera’s passive – Stage Presence is an interesting concept in LoL. Every third spell that Seraphine casts, it’s doubled. Because of this, her Q – High Note can hit really hard and her E – Beat Drop can root enemies on its own.
Once the ultimate is unlocked, Seraphine becomes one of the scariest champions in the game. It’s not the damage that does the work here, it’s the amount of AoE CC Seraphine has.
If timed correctly, Seraphine can crowd control the entire enemy team for nearly 5 seconds in a team fight.
Seraphine is not an aggressive champion like Ahri. She’s a supportive mid laner and should be played that way. But she has tons of AoE CC and damage that makes her very fun to play!
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Those are the 7 best champions like Ahri in League of Legends!