To get the value of Euler’s Constant e in VBA, the easiest way is to use the…
To convert degrees to radians for use in trigonometric functions in VBA, the easiest way is with…
To convert radians to degrees for use in trigonometric functions in VBA, the easiest way is with…
In VBA, we can easily do trigonometry with the many trig functions from the VBA math functions…
To find the arctangent, or inverse tangent, of a number in VBA, we can use the VBA…
To find the hyperbolic sine of a number in VBA, we can use the Excel Sinh() worksheet…
To find the hyperbolic cosine of a number in VBA, we can use the Excel Cosh() worksheet…
To find the hyperbolic tangent of a number in VBA, we can use the Excel Tanh() worksheet…
To find the hyperbolic arcsine of a number in VBA, we can use the Excel Asinh() worksheet…
To find the hyperbolic arccosine of a number in VBA, we can use the Excel Acosh() worksheet…