Climbing as a top laner is always challenging, especially if you are in lower elos like Bronze. Most of the players there lack game knowledge and it can be frustrating to carry on your own through top lane.
Finding a fun champion can help you learn the game more and even perform better.
It’s an important part of carrying in League of Legends, so hopefully, you’ll find one of the champions in this article fun to play.
Most importantly, the 5 top laners on this list are all strong enough champions to carry games regardless of the patch, meta, or elo.
So if you’d like to get out of Bronze or Iron as a top laner, you must consider them!
The 5 Best Champions to Get Out of Bronze in League of Legends
5. Darius

From the highest to the lowest ranks of League of Legends, Dairus is one of the easiest top laners to pilot.
And if you are playing in low elo at the moment, Darius is the type of champion that allows you to rule the top lane.
Not too many people know how to play against Darius in lower elos like Bronze and that makes him one of the best picks for lane domination, winning trades, and eventually killing the enemies.
You’ll definitely notice the fact that so many people will disrespect this champion in your elo, while you have everything you need to eliminate them.
Overall, with high damage, great sustain and poke (Q), slow (W), and even a low-range grab (E), no one stands a chance versus Darius in low ranks.
As soon as you start playing Darius you’ll see how aggressive you can be.
Darius is also considered one of the simplest champions in the top lane in terms of game mechanics since the only skill that can be challenging, yet important to land is your Q.
Besides that, he is a beginner-friendly pick.
If you want to try Darius, here you can find the recommended runes & items:
- Conqueror
- Triumph
- Legend: Tenacity
- Last Stand
- Bone Plating
- Unflinching
- Stridebreaker
- Plated Steelcaps
- Death’s Dance
- Dead Man’s Plate
- Sterak’s Gage
- Force of Nature
Read Also: Top 15 Best Off-Meta Top Lane Champions
4. Jax

Jax is another pick with a fantastic passive that you can use to your advantage.
You get bonus attack speed with each successful basic attack, which means you can stack it while simply farming and attacking minions.
The amount of attack speed you gain is based on your current level, though the fact that even in the early game you can have a higher attack speed than your opponent is a huge benefit that allows you to win more trades.
Another important part of Jax’s kit is his E ability, Counter Strike. While activated, Jax enters into a defensive stance, and for its duration, he can dodge all the incoming basic attacks.
On top of that, he even stuns the enemies once he stops swinging.
Denying enemy basic attacks even for a short period means they lose a huge part of their damage output and it’s something that players in lower elos most often rely on due to lack of micro gameplay.
Even though some match-ups still can be hard while playing Jax, you still should be able to find a way to get out of Bronze with him.
Since he scales very well he can dominate the game by himself and 1v9 his way to Victory.
- Lethal Tempo
- Triumph
- Legend: Tenacity
- Last Stand
- Biscuit Delivery
- Time Warp Tonic
- Divine Sunderer
- Plated Steelcaps
- Blade of the Ruined King
- Death’s Dance
- Wit’s End
- Sterak’s Gage
Read Also: Top 5 Best Top Laners for Clash
3. Illaoi

I would say that Illaoi is the most fun to play champion on this list.
She might be a slower juggernaut than most picks, but anywhere around her tentacles is a DANGER ZONE for enemies. And that’s what you want from a carry top lane champion.
Seriously, even in higher elos people are still disrespecting this champion and what she is capable of.
Since a lot of low elo players in ranks such as Iron or Bronze lack game and match-up knowledge, Illaoi can be a strong pick for you to win every single fight in the top lane.
You don’t need to do anything in order to control your tentacles. And that’s something that makes Illaoi’s playstyle so simple.
All you need to do is land your Q to maximize your damage. and pull the enemy spirit with your E ability.
It will take some time for you to adapt your playstyle with this champion, but when you can get out of bronze with it, why not?
- Conqueror
- Presence of Mind
- Legend: Tenacity
- Last Stand
- Demolish
- Bone Plating
- Divine Sunderer
- Plated Steelcaps
- Hullbreaker
- Death’s Dance
- Sterak’s Gage
- Spirit Visage
Read Also: Top 5 Best Top Laners Against Tanks
2. Garen

If you ask what’s the top 5 best top lane champions to get out of low elo, you always hear someone screaming DEMACIAAAA!
Garen was first released over 10 years ago, but he has always been one of the strongest top laners in League of Legends.
Garen is easy to play in a very beginner-friendly fashion but this doesn’t mean that you are missing any fun.
Actually, if you are one of those players that like to carry games solo, Garen will be one of the most fun picks you’ll ever try.
Garen has a very good damage output and a simple combo to execute. You always start the fight with Q and then spin-to-win with E.
Your ultimate is there to finish off your target while your W can protect you from important attacks.
Garen is just “great” in every aspect, he has amazing sustain and tankiness, can farm and trade with his abilities, and also solo carry games!
- Conqueror
- Triumph
- Legend: Tenacity
- Last Stand
- Conditioning
- Overgrowth
- Stridebreaker
- Berserker’s Greaves
- Mortal Reminder
- Hullbreaker
- Dead Man’s Plate
- Force of Nature
Read Also: How to Carry as a Top Laner?
1. Mordekaiser

Mordekaiser is another champion you’ll enjoy playing if you like the simple but powerful type.
With an easy kit that requires no mana, you just need to focus on your W ability and use it in order to achieve the best amount of shield and healing possible.
This is how Mordekaiser achieves great sustain in the top lane. And it makes him a safe pick into any matchup!
So, with a good amount of safety and AoE damage, Mordekaiser is one of the easiest picks in lower elos for surviving and killing enemy champions.
And his ultimate helps out a lot!
Talking about the ultimate, “Realm of Death”, it allows you to 1v1 your target, banishing them into another realm where it’s only you and most of the time, a dead enemy.
It’s a great counter mechanic when getting ganked by the enemy junglers, so use it that way.
That being said, a fed Mordekaiser can be a nightmare for low elo players!
- Conqueror
- Triumph
- Legend: Tenacity
- Last Stand
- Bone Plating
- Revitalize
- Riftmaker
- Plated Steelcaps
- Rylai’s Crystal Scepter
- Demonic Embrace
- Zhonya’s Hourglass
- Thornmail
There are many different champions for each role, but choosing the right one for yourself can be tough.
It’s not easy to find a champion that you love to play and is powerful enough to carry games in solo queue, especially in the chaos of Bronze.
So, I hope my article helped you figure out which champions you can play to win more games in Bronze in League of Legends. Good luck with your climb!
Read Also: 10 Best AP Top Laners