conspiracy theory podcast about horses

Conspiracy theories make for some of the most engaging and informative ways to delve into the world’s greatest mysteries. We’ve collected some of the best conspiracy podcasts on the internet right now. From the analysis of historical events to paranormal occurrences to modern-day theories, there’s something for crime mystery lovers. Even those who do not believe in conspiracies.

If your curiosity has been awakened by whispers from shadowy corners and hints from deep links, here are a few more of the best conspiracy podcasts to add to your list of must-listens.

Conspiracy Theories

With new episodes every Wednesday, this podcast dives into historical events, possible cover ups, urban legends, suspicious deaths, and more. Were great works like Hamlet and Romeo & Juliet written by William Shakespeare? Is the earth a globe or a flat plane? This podcast goes down the rabbit hole and considers all of the options.

Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture

Formerly called Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture, this podcast examines how often occult themes arise in popular culture.

occult conspiracy podcast

The show’s host, who goes by the relatively ironic pseudonym Isaac Weishaupt, has also written several books on the topics covered in the podcast. This podcast especially appeals to listeners who like to examine occult symbolism in film and music.

The Occult Rejects

This podcast is hosted by two people claiming to be members of two different so-called secret societies. 

The ex-members of the OTO and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn claim they are fed up and disgusted by the human race being manipulated by Magick and secret societies, so they chose to share their experiences and analysis.

Whether you believe them or not, they point out how often occult symbolism arises in society.

Art Bell and Coast-to-Coast AM Replays

The king of conspiracy theory shows, Art Bell made his living exploring all sorts of mysterious, creepiness, and unusual occurrences long before the internet was accessible to everyone. Bell had some of the world’s best-known figures in conspiracy and alternate theories on his show, and he was an artist when it came to interviewing them. 

Bell was the original host of Coast to Coast AM (now hosted by George Noory). After leaving that show, he hosted two additional shows, Dark Matter and Midnight in the Desert.

Bell died in 2018, but you can find episodes of his shows uploaded to YouTube, Spotify, and several other places.

The Higherside Chats Conspiracy Podcast

 The Higherside Chats is podcaster Greg Carlwood’s interviews with people from various fields. He explores a wide range of unconventional, esoteric, and paranormal topics. Aside from the short ad for the longer-form members-only podcast at the beginning of the show, it’s ad free and one of the best conspiracy podcasts out there.

If it seems like a pro-marijuana vibe runs throughout the show’s theme, it’s because there is, and it’s intentional. Carlwood made no attempt to hide his hobby and even intended to grow marijuana for retail purposes before launching his podcast in 2011.

Dealey Plaza popular crime conspiracy theories

If you are curious about the unexplained, this conspiracy podcast explores the mysterious events that occurred in the Penny Royal Plateau. A geological and geographical area, it stretches from Hopkinsville, Kentucky to the east near the Appalachian Mountains, north through the rolling bluegrass of Lexington. 

According to the show’s host, podcaster Nate Isaac, “It’s a true story that ponders the question of whether a place affects and defines the people that live there or if the people re-define the place, and details our journey into an incredible and unexpected mystery here in Pulaski County that’s still unfolding. If I had to describe the show, I would probably say that it’s similar to NPR’s ‘S-town’ podcast but with high strangeness and heavy tones of David Lynch — what monsters lurk beneath the veneer of small-town America?”

Initially, the show was an eight-part documentary podcast that looked at some of the oddities in this area. The show’s second season has six episodes. 

What to Know Before Listening to the Best Conspiracy Podcasts

Considering alternative versions of history and opinions can be fun. It helps you question your beliefs and determine if what you have always thought to be true is based on all the information currently available.

Is the information provided in the best conspiracy podcasts true?

The simplest answer to this is “it varies.”

Much of what you hear is opinion. Some are based in fact. Some are not. Some are an alternative interpretation of facts. 

Before accepting what you hear as fact in a podcast, consider if that’s even the show’s intention. In many cases, the host simply wants you to think about alternatives. Even if you stick to your original opinion or dismiss everything you hear as bunk, many conspiracy theory podcasters want you to look at stories from a new angle.

It’s important to consider the agenda or bias of the purveyor of the information. This is true for the best conspiracy podcasts hosts and everyone else who provides information. 

Is the informer working for or on behalf of another entity? Are they trying to sell something? Do they seem solely focused on changing your opinion? Or are they just pointing you toward additional information? 

You might not be able to answer these questions entirely, but it’s important to consider the motivating factors of the podcast’s host. 

Finally, the greatest thing you can take away from listening to a conspiracy theory podcast is knowing everyone has different points of view and opinions. As the listener, you don’t need to agree with everything you hear. Nor do you need to continue listening if you don’t enjoy the content. 

In a free society, people can express a wide range of opinions, beliefs, and theories, while the person receiving the information is responsible for their own reaction. If a popular conspiracy theory you hear causes you to respond emotionally, consider why that’s the case. Even when you dismiss the information as fictional, you can learn a lot about yourself by examining why something rubs you the wrong way.

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Last Update: September 5, 2024